Google Releases Real-Time Analytics

09/10/2019 0 Comment

Find out what’s happening on your site in real-time

This is super cool… Google has just released true REAL TIME analytics in their free Google Analytics suite. The new interface allows you to see things like how many users are on your site right now, what they are doing, what they are clicking on, where they came from, etc.

This will give website owners new insight into the minute to minute changes on their site and allow website owners to test things in real time much faster and more easily than before.

Consider doing some real time A/B testing with various ads and call out boxes or graphics to see which ones are getting your users’ attention for instance.

If you already have Google Analytics you can activate the new interface by clicking the red “New Version” link in upper right of your Google Analytics screen. If you don’t have Google Analytics yet on your site it’s easy and free to sign up, install the ad tracking code that Google gives you, and start collecting data about your site.